Science + Music + Action
Welcome. We connect people to climate science and action through the emotional power of music.
For many of us, climate change seems like an overwhelming issue. How do you put your head around something that’s as big as the Planet and is coming at us fast? Did you know that we have the knowledge and tools to address climate change? And that you can contribute to the solution?
We created The ClimateMusic Project to help answer these questions, using music to tell the urgent story of climate change to broad and diverse audiences in a way that resonates, educates, and motivates.
Our music ranges from classical to hip-hop, rock, jazz and more. We invite you to listen and hope you’ll be inspired to learn more and take action. If you’re curious where to begin, check out our latest projects:

Stay tuned for news about new music releases, concerts and other events. To hear additional music, podcasts, and more, be sure to visit our YouTube Channel as well!
If you’re looking for a unique way to engage your audience, reach out to discuss how to book us at your next event.

I was hugely touched by your performance and had to hold back tears at the intensity and sense of urgency the music brought.
Audience Member
It really translates into visceral terms a threat that can often seem impenetrable and abstract.
Audience Member
ClimateMusic has altered my perspective on climate change. The risks feel more immediate, more real…
Audience Member
It was really powerful – one of the most effective ways to communicate climate change that I’ve seen.
Audience Member
It’s the most powerful, visceral representation I have heard or seen: because through the rhythm-tempo-dynamics-pitch we embody the music, instead of just looking at and away from the data.
Audience Member
It was breathtaking listening to the music and had an impact on everyone in the room. I still remember the few minutes of silence where nobody was able to say a word.
Audience Member