You can be part of this campaign, helping to reach diverse audiences throughout the country and beyond, thus driving action to address climate change. We invite choirs and all forms of singing groups from any and all countries to join our campaign.

Singers Start Here
- It’s easy and no cost to lend your choir’s voice to this Campaign.
- Fill out the form HERE to start the process. We will then send you the information you need to create and submit an audio and/or video recording.
- Please do not send any recordings until you have been in contact with us.
- Any questions: contact us at
- Any individual or group of singers ages 5 -25 are welcome to join. and help fight the climate crisis is welcome!

Support The Effort
- Donate to the Campaign fund, and be recognized for your support for climate action
- Identify youth groups who might want to raise their voices and participate in this fun, no cost activity
- Share this information with others you think might wish to be part of the Campaign
- Further questions or interested in volunteering, contact us at:
- Follow Be Cool! on social media
- Instagram: @be_coolcampaign
- Facebook: Be Cool Campaign