Introducing our newest Solutions Partner: Re-Volv

We are delighted to highlight Re-Volv as our newest solutions partner.  

RE-volv lets people put solar on the places they care about, giving them a way to take direct action on climate change. They are building a global community of clean energy supporters, creating a cultural shift for solar, and tangibly acting on climate change by reducing carbon emissions. For more information about Re-Volv, please click on the logo.


 The ClimateMusic Project’s powerful audio-visual experiences generate a visceral understanding of the urgency for action on climate change and a new motivation to act.   Our solutions partners are highly-regarded organizations that can provide a pathway for this audience energy to facilitate individual and community action on the ground, including: 

  • Deepening additional learning about climate change
  • Accelerating the adoption of renewable energy and energy efficiency
  • Building support for policies that fight climate change
  • Generating resources for projects with a proven track-record in reducing   carbon emissions
  • Creating community around the issue in a way that encourages broad public engagement
  • Growing solutions that address critical related issues like environmental justice, agriculture and food systems, and water.

 In the next month, we’ll be creating a new page that will highlight the work of all of our solutions partners…stay tuned!