Introducing the Be Cool! Kids Club in Nigeria

Greetings BeCool! community!

As the Be Cool! Campaign is gaining global momentum, we’re excited to showcase some of the inspiring work the participants are engaged in.

Today we’d like to introduce you to Nigerian musicians and climate activists Esuku Idowu Aghogho (aka Climateman) and Nnaji Precious. Thanks to their organizing and directing, over 1000 kids in Nigeria have now been recorded singing on the Be Cool song!

Idowu and Precious, in partnership with the Green Waka Project, are about to launch an exciting new initiative in Nigeria: Be Cool Kids Club! Students joining Be Cool Kids Club will learn how to use music and other forms of art to offer answers to the global climate crisis.

ClimateMusic communications coordinator Charlotte Saunders recently spoke with Idowu and Precious about their vision. Check out Part 1 & Part 2 of the interview.

“I co-created Be Cool Kids Club because I want Nigerian kids to be the ones to spread the message of climate change.”

– Esuku Idowu Aghogho

Music can bring together young voices to inspire environmental stewardship and increase awareness of the climatic crisis

Idowu and Precious’ work with these kids through a global campaign they call “Earth Advocate and Green Voice” perfectly aligns with the Be Cool campaign’s push for accelerated climate action. For example, the duo are currently training some of the kids for a special performance of I Wanna Be Cool that they hope will serve as a dramatic presentation at international climate events.

Be Cool Kids Club advocacy tackles the issues that matter!

Idowu and Precious are planning to work with solar energy organizations to encourage and create ways to install micro solar grids in schools, particularly in rural communities where electricity supply is highly limited.  To accomplish this, they are urging all solar energy providers in the country to support Be Cool Kids Club by offering energy-efficient gadgets that will make it possible for kids to have a top-notch education. 

“We hope that Be Cool Kids Club will become a global brand that celebrates young people who use music to encourage climate action.”

– Esuku Idowu Aghogho & Nnaji Precious

Want to share how cool YOU are?

We’d love to hear about your climate actions!

Do you have something to share about any activities you, your family, friends or community are doing to help address climate change?

You can send your ideas and/or materials to BeCoolSong@gmail.comor just reply to this email.

To get inspired and see what everyone is up to, follow us on Facebookor Instagram.

If you know people who might like to hear about the BeCool! community’s efforts, they can sign up for this list here.

Last but not least, we are still recruiting more song participants, so keep spreading the word!

Stay tuned for more!

– Sven and the Be Cool Community Team