Browse our archives for past highlights and blog posts
Be Cool, Play Cool Song Cover Contest
With a community of 4 continents, over 2500 kids, award winning artists, team of passionate climate advocates and our newly released video produced by Emmy nominated Imaginary Forces. Our campaign will hype your talents on all of our social…
Premiere of newest composition: on the brink
Composed by Theodore Wiprud with soloist Elissa Cassini and visuals by Camilla Tassi, Violin Concerto No. 2: on the brink, explores the vicious cycles that have brought us to the brink and the virtuous cycles that could yet pull…
Celebrating 10 years of climate music and action
Ten years ago this month we launched The ClimateMusic Project, and back then we could not have imagined how far and wide this journey would take us! Watch our 10 Year Anniversary Video on ur YouTube channel…
Press Release
Music Declares Emergency US and The ClimateMusic Project Launch the Be Cool! Campaign to Inspire…
You know what would be even cooler…?
Imagine you just recorded yourself singing a world changing song…Imagine thousands of singers from five…
Introducing the Be Cool! Kids Club in Nigeria
Greetings BeCool! community! As the Be Cool! Campaign is gaining global momentum, we’re excited to showcase some of…
Smithtown Students Perform Be Cool! on Recycled Instruments
Greetings BeCool! community! We are thrilled to report that there are now over 1200 kids (and…
Check Out Our New Climate Action Toolkits
Connecting our community to meaningful and accessible pathways to climate action is core to our…
Winter Chores
We are taking a few months to focus on some winter housekeeping, stay tuned!
West Coast Premiere of “Audyssey”
The premiere was held on October 11th, 2022 in conjunction with KQED Live in San…
Premiere of Audyssey during Climate Week in NYC
Hosted by the World Economic Forum’s Center for Nature and Climate.
Fall Performances
After a summer of new content development we are now gearing up for our fall…
Our First Songwriters’ Workshop!
We are excited to report that our first songwriters’ workshop was a success! On June…
“Everything Matters”: We Gotta Move!
Those of you who saw our live international concert last November will remember the emotionally…
Profile in Mission Magazine
We are honored to have our work profiled in the just-released sustainability issue of Mission…
We are joining “The Unusual Suspects” on March 28th!
We are excited to be heading (virtually) to Norway on March 28th to participate in…
Artist Spotlights
Climate Artist Spotlight Although our focus is on music, we are continually moved by the…
ClimateMusic Podcast
Beyond our work, there are so many more creative, ground-breaking ways in which individuals around…
ClimateMusic Travels Virtually to Saudi Arabia!
We were honored to have been invited to contribute to the Opening Day of WEP2022…
Concert Video Posted: Watch Live from Vienna and San Francisco!
Weren’t able to make it to our concert Live! From Vienna and San Francisco: A…
ClimateMusic Contributes to Young Leaders’ Dialogue in Mexico
We are honored to contribute through music to this vital conversation! This event is open…
Amy Quirk Joins Our Leadership Council
We are delighted to announce that Amy Quirk, a distinguished attorney and environmental advocate, has joined…
ClimateMusic at Massey College!
Join us with the University of Toronto’s Massey College on April 27th at 4PM as…
Celebrate the Week of Earth Day with Us!
We are excited to announce two ways that you can celebrate Earth Day with us…
Young Composers Take on Climate Change
We are delighted to announce that we just launched this year’s annual collaboration with the…
Spotlight on the people behind The ClimateMusic Project
Our team is made up of highly diverse, creative, talented, and energetic individuals, like Executive…
International Recognition
We are honored to be one of 109 projects in 54 countries to have been…
An evening of music and conversation about climate solutions with the Rainier Club in Seattle
We were delighted to have been invited on December 7th to engage online with members…
Amsterdam Concerts
Last year a student at the Conservatory of Music in Amsterdam, Beatrice Miniaci, contacted us…
We Invite YOU to Play for the Planet!
The ClimateMusic Project is excited to announce the launch of a new campaign to inspire climate…
Calling All Young Vocalists!
Are you a young singer who wants to use your voice to speak out on…
New Podcast Series Launched!
We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new podcast series, Climate Vibes, a…
What Have We Been Up To?
The pandemic may have postponed our live performances, but we have been as busy as…
Partner Spotlight: Interfaith Power and Light
Our Solutions Partners provide pathways to action in order to help our audiences to learn…
Celebrating Earth Day’s 50th Anniversary with the National Academy of Sciences!
Please join us on Wednesday, April 22, 3:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m. EDT for a free online…
Engaging during this time of crisis
Art by Alisa Singer
Spotlight on the people behind The ClimateMusic Project
Coronavirus update
Hello everyone, Due to the Coronavirus pandemic we have postponed our live concert season for…
The ClimateMusic Project at The National Academy of Sciences!
We are delighted to announce that we will be performing at The National Academy of…
Upcoming Shows Announced!
Our spring concert line-up is looking to be robust, with the first shows just announced!…
What do you want the future to sound like? We invite artists from around the…
Benefit Concerts in L.A., December 20 and 21!
If you will be in Los Angeles on December 20 or 21, please join us…
ClimateMusic featured in The New York Times!
We are excited to announce that The ClimateMusic Project is receiving media coverage by several…
Premiere of What If We…? in Washington, D.C., October 29th and 30th!
We are thrilled to announce that we will be premiering our newest work, What If…
Climate Live at The San Francisco Conservatory of Music, September 29th!
If you missed our packed performance of Climate at The Exploratorium last week, you can…
A Call 2 Peace Hosts Benefit Concerts for The ClimateMusic Project in Los Angeles!
We were honored to have A Call 2 Peace stage two benefit concerts on our…
The ClimateMusic Project Live at The Exploratorium, September 19th at 8PM
Join us at 8PM on Thursday, September 19th at The Exploratorium in San Francisco for…
Young Composers Engage on Climate
Our on-going collaboration with the San Francisco Conservatory of Music’s Technology and Applied Composition Program…
Welcoming Dr. Whendee Silver and Dr. David Ackerly to our Science Advisory Committee
We are honored to announce that Dr. Whendee Silver and Dr. David Ackerly have joined…
ClimateMusic at the Exploratorium, May 9th!
Join us for an evening of exploration at the intersection of music, technology, and…
Welcoming Dr. Chris Luebkeman to our Leadership Council
We have the honor to announce that Arup Fellow and Director of Global Foresight +…
Spotlight On The People Behind The ClimateMusic Project
Kinetech Arts to premiere new collaborative work at Leonardo Convening, Nov 3
We are delighted to announce that our friends at Kinetech Arts will be premiering new…